Feb 28, 2009

Koaksil (Tianeptine, Coaxil): drug abuse

If you drink this product in a single year on the traditional pattern - 3 pills a day, no habit is not observed, but the higher the dosage of tianeptine - the stronger the narcotic effects from it.
In high doses, drugs acting as heroin + cocaine + MDMA. Hyperstimulation dopamine receptors, strong tranquilizing action, retardation enkephalinase, effects on GABA receptors, and many others led to a clear effect of drugs that people are familiar with the action of opioids, is associated with the heroin + cocaine, and the ordinary people to the large doses of tianeptine effect very similar to MDMA.
After half an hour, hour after administration of toxic doses of a strong euphoria, the desire to say, enjoy life etc. But this is a short - after the termination, there is very pronounced dysphoria, and people who were so stupid that took large doses of long-term development abstinenty syndrome, in which even the introduction of heroin intravenously only briefly addresses a meal.
Patients should be very well remembered: Koaksil - this is worse than heroin, crack etc., The drug did not go "of their victims... And everything starts with three pills a day... And ends with opioids, disabled life, limb amputations, with abscesses, where the dirty solution is injected intravenously 10-20 tablets and get past the...
Those who drink tablets reach the 60-120 or more tablets per day. Even a year or more sobriety and isolation of koaksila with physical exertion - no result - at the earliest possible drug run to a pharmacy for their antidepressants...


  1. hallo :) this is so interesting for me... can you give me the answer to this question? ;( when you get 2 tablets of koaqsil with 1 capsule of Diazepam once in a month, is there a chance being edicted to this medicines and be worse then drug abuse?

  2. "Abuse of tianeptine is rare and thus far has only been seen in patients with pre-existing multi-substance abuse disorders. 141 cases of abuse were identified between 1989 and 2004, correlating to an incidence of 1 to 3 cases per 1000 patients treated with tianeptine"
