Jan 21, 2009

Ixel (Milnacipran)

Milnacipran - rather and rather interesting preparation: from all three now known SSRIs, only Ixel the balanced impact on reaptake serotonin makes and noradrenalin, thus it is necessary to consider and that remarkable fact that Ixel is capable somewhat inhibit return capture dopamine. Expressed timoanaleptic preparation action is accompanied by the strongly pronounced anaesthetising action so expressed that this preparation in a number of the countries is registered as analgetic at fibromyalgia and similar conditions.

It is important to understand that a preparation often register in doses 25мг twice a day; in a dose 50мг twice a day and 150-200 and more mg twice a day. The first variant often appears insufficient for depression overcoming, and a dose in limits 100мг - 200мг twice a day DO NOT RAISE ANTIDEPRESSIVE EFFECTS of the PREPARATION, BUT OFTEN CONDUCT To DEVELOPMENT SE, therefore most good the dosage 50мг twice a day long enough course is. At this dosage Ixel shows balanced enough action both on braked, and on agitation depressions though the activating component prevails, but not so that it was impossible to fall asleep, moreover against reception of such powerful BD as fenazepam or clonazepam - I will tell more: Similar combinations create preconditions for abusing as Milnacipran, and a BD and their mix, therefore from a BD it is necessary to be rather accurate - I often say that fenibut or mexidol are here alternative of a BD, and promote improvement cognitive f-tsy. Pirazidol possesses balanced enough action and around doses 400мг-600мг under condition of good shipping, renders expressed enough tranquilizing action. With account SE pirlindole pertinently to combine it with mexidol, if necessary appointing in the first days of a BD or neuroleptic though this period it is possible to "endure and wait disclosings" of effects pirlindole, quickly increasing doses (50mg/days - the first and second days; 100mg/days - in following two days and so to a necessary dose which for pirazidol makes 200-600мг - at a dosage in 400мг both more the preparation is rather active and influences a dream a little - there is an improvement slipping.

If to speak for Ixel this preparation is distinct from pirazidol that pirazidol is more active under the relation of braking of disintegration and reaptake noradrenalin, than serotonin, and to dopamin it is absolutely indifferent. Milnacipran renders and the balanced action on reaptake as 5HT and NA, slightly influencing on reaptake dopamin. Therefore in doses 50мг twice a day, at reception together with meal, SE a preparation are minimum, actually comparable with placebo while powerful and rather unique antidepressive effect milnacipran gradually develops. Good-quality hyperplasia a bladder is RELATIVE contra-indication for milnacipran, but only in adequate doses. There is a weight of works where efficiency Ixel is shown at ОКR, fibromyalgia, HBS a various aetiology, and, actually, powerful BALANCED timoanaleptic action without expressed SE whereas, I will repeat, dose escalating even on 25-50мг a day does not raise activity of a preparation, but does obvious SE a preparation. Therefore banal updating of a dose and if on a dose per 100mg/days in two steps the answer will not follow in a current of month is necessary, there is a sense to think of preparation change. The same pirlindole - quite good alternative In some cases for those who has not answered therapy milnacipran. To RAISE the DOSAGE of THIS PREPARATION of ANY SENSE HAS no! IT WILL cause ONLY DISTINCT SE And WILL demand APPLICATION POWERFUL HYPNOTICS When In ADEQUATE DOSES MILNACIPRAN POSITIVELY INFLUENCES the DREAM. And here in a case with pirlindole affairs are absolutely otherwise: the above a dose, The expressed and balanced effect of it the AD. Again we have a situation when psychiatrists are not able to address about the AD. It already starts to bother on the sly...

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